Webinar: Integrating Movement for All: Physical Activity and Youth with Disability

Note: This webinar was part of Active Classrooms Month 2021

Physical activity promotes children and adolescent’s growth and development while addressing
physical, mental, and cognitive health. Youth with disabilities experience limited opportunities for
participation in physical activities compared to youth without disabilities. This webinar will help attendees to recognize and identify inclusion elements and strategies to ensure the participation of youth with disabilities during physical activity in classroom or virtual learning settings. See: https://www.nchpad.org/educators


  • Describe barriers to physical activity for youth with disabilities
  • Describe strategies to implement inclusive classroom and virtual learning physical activity for youth with
  • Learn about free resources and additional training from the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability


Presentation slides

Webinar recording

Instructions to access the NCHPAD’s Discover Inclusive Physical Education

Instructions to access the NCHPAD’s Disability Education for Educators

Instructions to access NCHPAD’s Discover Inclusive Nutrition Education

Inclusive Virtual Wellness Toolkit

COVID-19 Resources and Virtual Learning for Educators